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Book cheap flights from Lisbon to $ Marrakech from 77

Last minute flights from Lisbon to Marrakech

Book now before it's too late

Prices shown below were available within the past 3 days for the period specified and should not be considered the final price offered. Please note that availability and prices are subject to change.
Lisbon Marrakech
Tue., 16 Jul. LIS - RAK
Tue., 16 Jul. RAK - LIS
-14 %
$263 $227
Prime price per passenger
Lisbon Marrakech
Thu., 05 Sep. LIS - RAK
-13 %
$88 $77
Prime price per passenger
Lisbon Marrakech
Tue., 23 Jul. LIS - RAK
Thu., 25 Jul. RAK - LIS
$202 $181
Prime price per passenger
Lisbon Marrakech
Mon., 01 Jul. LIS - RAK
Wed., 03 Jul. RAK - LIS
$274 $254
Prime price per passenger
Lisbon Marrakech
Tue., 09 Jul. LIS - RAK
Thu., 11 Jul. RAK - LIS
$227 $217
Prime price per passenger

Currency and price comparison

Train Local, one-way ticket
80% Trains in Marrakech are 80% cheaper than in Lisbon.
Lisbon $3.2
Marrakech $0.6
Meal Mid-priced restaurant
71% A meal in Marrakech is 71% cheaper than a meal in Lisbon.
Lisbon $20.83
Marrakech $6.03
Exchange rate
1 AUD = 6.67 MAD
1 MAD = 0.16 AUD
Last checked on 01 July 2024
Distance: 796 kms
Lisbon airports
Lisboa (LIS) How far from city centre: 5 kms
Marrakech airports
Menara (RAK) How far from city centre: 5 kms

Enjoy the best flight deals whether you are looking for the cheapest or earliest!

Are you ready to fly with Opodo? Check the last minute airfares or book the lowest route price departing from Lisbon to Marrakech . Stop spending a lot of money to the flight ticket and start enjoying your holiday. No worries, we got your back! Opodo is on your side for a hassle-free and convenient booking experience. You have the privilege to reach the top airline carriers and the cheapest prices. When do you want to depart from Lisbon? Adjust your travel dates now and explore the dozens of options to Marrakech at great prices. Choose a well-suited flight to Marrakech amongst the large selection of options, as everything you are looking for is what Opodo offer. You can even book a hotel and rent a car for the perfect vacation mix. It is much easier to book a flight and hotel together, even cheaper! Go ahead; select the best offer from Marrakech to Lisbon and you're done! Enjoy your holiday, but first, fasten your seatbelt. We are flying!

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